14:14:51 From Gemma Swallow National Theatre of Scotland (she/her) : https://www.iteac.info/timetable 14:30:38 From kevin.mccallum : This is a document that was created a while back and don't know if its useful for people to edit/add/share https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hdg4VzV7t_Tg3Qu8dhesUUa-bCQaKsqkL6Nj4r91TTA/edit?usp=sharing 14:59:53 From Craig Fleming : Sorry I need to head off to another meeting. Lovely to see you all. I’ll catch up with the rest of the meeting via the recording. 15:12:28 From kevin.mccallum : sorry I need to go now. Thanks everyone. 15:20:17 From Stacey Toner : Career Ready is another interesting model - managed by local authorities - where school aged (5th year) individuals are supported through mentorship and then a 4 week placement through summer 15:21:32 From Stacey Toner : There is a FB group called 'admin monkeys' which is pretty well established already - its more of a call out/advise page but folk are really helpful 15:21:38 From Stacey Toner : Its for creatives 15:22:35 From Laura Walshe - Tron Theatre : Sorry I have to go, dress rehearsal starting at 3.30pm. 15:29:01 From Stacey Toner : I think that idea is strong - means that theres no ongoing monitoring of a spreadsheet and contacts, more responsive 15:31:49 From Stacey Toner : Sorry I've got to go to another meeting - thanks again for having me along - feel free to contact me directly or pass on if helpful: Stacey.toner@ccskills.org.uk